Scarlett Johansson was an interesting choice for Natasha
Romanov, one I hadn’t expected. She is, after all, a fetching young lass, and
it suits that an unbelievably attractive woman be played by an unbelievably
attractive woman. I remember waiting in anticipation for her Russian accent
only to be disappointed when Scarlett Johansson sounded like Scarlett
Johansson. In retrospect it makes sense: it would be too confusing to have a
Russian spy working for homeland intelligence, so I guess that makes sense. Joss
Whedon eventually corrected this with The Avengers, where her Russian
background was referenced and her role and character bulked up significantly. I
was one of the people who wasn’t all that keen on having her in the Avengers,
she was always second tier and would have preferred someone like Scarlet Witch
or Wasp, but she was played well enough that it didn’t bother me all that much.
On my favourite Facebook group Action Figure Addicts, it
wasn’t all that uncommon for people to have whole collections of the Walmart
Avengers wave, with one exception (well, two, counting Iron Man mk 7), so I was
happy that they got around to finally bringing her out and those collections
can be complete.
So this action figure aims to close that gap by providing
the new Captain America: The Winter Soldier head and an extra Avengers head.
Though there are some differences in the costume, as the WS version has some
grey elements to add interest to the flat black of the original, it’s the
thought that counts here.
Of the two heads I prefer the Avengers one, I think the
short hair looks better on her. The long and straight hair of Winter Soldier
isn’t as flattering on Johansson and it kind of just hangs straight, kind of
like how Jessica Alba’s hair looked in Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver
Surfer. Despite the fact that it impedes head articulation completely (and my
head has a bit of a red scuff on the forehead), hair this long on the world’s
best spy is impractical. There’s a reason all the bad-guy soldiers in the Paul
WS Anderson movie Soldier (1998) are bald: in CQC (Close Quarters Combat)
baldness makes it harder for the enemy to grab your hair and, therefore, your
head. Seeing as Black Widow grapples with guys a lot, shorter hair can allow
her to go undercover and also be effective in combat.
If Avengers proves anything for Black Widow is that a pair
of Glock 26s are far more effective than a pair of stingers. I remember seeing
that her wrist weapons act more as non-lethal wrist guns, not that dissimilar
to something Deadshot uses, like grapnel lines and tear gas as well as
electrified darts. But in both Avengers and what we’ve seen of Winter Soldier
thus far they’re skin-contact CQC Taser weapons of some kind. Unfortunately,
the stingers are the only accessories she’s getting; she doesn’t get any guns.
They could have simply re-used the guns that were given to Hit Monkey as I have
done, but the whole figure forces you to feel grateful that you have it so I
suppose you’ll have to like it or lump it and make do with the alternate
open/gun holding hands she comes with.

So a great figure overall, worth having. The problem I have
is with this attitude that’s implied on Hasbro’s end regarding her existence.
In many ways she ticks a lot of boxes, in other ways it seems like we have to
be grateful for what we get. She’s a female figure, which always makes for a
strong seller, and of course for that reason she’s one per pack and everyone’s
hankering for her. I collected her because hey, she’s Scarlett Johansson, but
all those ML movie Avenger fans out there have to scrimp and save to pick her
up. So she looks great and she’s worth it, its just a shame she costs so much.